Cryptoport is the easiest way to get overview all your cryptocurrency investment.
- Effortlessly monitor and manage your cryptocurrency portfolio
- Sync Account balance Across multiple Exchanges
- Support several way to import data
- Realize your wallets values into your local currency
- Real-time calculate with up to date coin price
- Support all popular coins
- Show coin price in Bitcoin, USD and your local currency
- Market cap and ranking
- Customize coin list
- Coin details and price chart
- Sync account balance across multiple exchanges
- Sync private wallet balance for (BTC, ETH)
- Sync mining unpaid balance from mining pool
- Support manual input in case of your exchange is not supported yet
- Summarize the total value entire of your investment
- realize loss/profit for each coin, wallet
- Switch among altcoin holding, bitcoin price, and your local currency price
- Pie chart for holding percentage analysis
Supported Market.
- Binance
- Bitfinex
- Poloniex
- Bittrex
- Cryptopia
- BX
- Bithumb
- HitBTC
- Kraken
- CoinCheck
- Coinbase
- Coincheck
- BTCMarket
- Liqui
- Kucoin
Cryptoport adalah cara termudah untuk mendapatkan gambaran semua investasi cryptocurrency Anda.
- Mudah memantau dan mengelola portofolio cryptocurrency Anda
- saldo Rekening Sync Di beberapa Bursa
- Dukungan beberapa cara untuk mengimpor data
- Sadarilah dompet Anda nilai-nilai ke dalam mata uang lokal Anda
- Real-time menghitung sampai dengan harga koin tanggal
- Mendukung semua koin populer
- Tampilkan harga koin di Bitcoin, USD dan mata uang lokal Anda
- Market cap dan peringkat
- Daftar koin Customize
- rincian koin dan grafik harga
- saldo rekening Sync di beberapa bursa
- Sync keseimbangan dompet pribadi untuk (BTC, ETH)
- Sync pertambangan saldo yang belum dibayar dari kolam pertambangan
- Dukungan pengguna masukan dalam kasus pertukaran Anda belum didukung
- Merangkum total nilai seluruh investasi Anda
- menyadari loss / profit untuk setiap koin, dompet
- Beralih antara altcoin memegang, bitcoin harga, dan harga mata uang lokal Anda
- grafik Pie untuk analisis holding persentase
Didukung Market.
- Binance
- Bitfinex
- Poloniex
- Bittrex
- Cryptopia
- BX
- Bithumb
- HitBTC
- Kraken
- CoinCheck
- Coinbase
- Coincheck
- BTCMarket
- Liqui
- Kucoin
Cryptoport is the easiest way to get overview all your cryptocurrency investment.
- Effortlessly monitor and manage your cryptocurrency portfolio
- Sync Account balance Across multiple Exchanges
- Support several way to import data
- Realize your wallets values into your local currency
- Real-time calculate with up to date coin price
- Support all popular coins
- Show coin price in Bitcoin, USD and your local currency
- Market cap and ranking
- Customize coin list
- Coin details and price chart
- Sync account balance across multiple exchanges
- Sync private wallet balance for (BTC, ETH)
- Sync mining unpaid balance from mining pool
- Support manual input in case of your exchange is not supported yet
- Summarize the total value entire of your investment
- realize loss/profit for each coin, wallet
- Switch among altcoin holding, bitcoin price, and your local currency price
- Pie chart for holding percentage analysis
Supported Market.
- Binance
- Bitfinex
- Poloniex
- Bittrex
- Cryptopia
- BX
- Bithumb
- HitBTC
- Kraken
- CoinCheck
- Coinbase
- Coincheck
- BTCMarket
- Liqui
- Kucoin